Getting Over It

Getting Over It

Getting Over It is a simulator game with aspects that is somewhat peculiar. 

You will have unlimited freedom of movement, and your main aim will be to ascend to the mountain's summit. It will be really challenging to accomplish this, though. Because you will need to go around with a pickaxe and the way is made up of a collection of stones, boulders, and rock fragments, and because half of your hero's body is within a cast-iron tub. When you reach the mountain's peak, you will be rewarded in addition to receiving something. However, you will also discover the answers to the questions that the authors concealed.


It can be moved by dragging your mouse.

Getting Over It is a very original idea for a game. However, overcoming challenging obstacles is a common gaming mechanic. The titles Vex 3 and Vex 6 are comparable.

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