Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee


Free kids spelling game Spelling Bee. As many words as possible in one minute! A voice says a word, and you must spell it using your keyboard or mouse. Each correct word grows the beehive.


We'll play a word each turn (and show you the definition). Spelling is guessed.

First guess counts. After then, misspellings aren't penalized.

We'll give hints after your second guess.

After three misspellings, press "I Surrender" to see the answer.

Tournament Spelling Bee words get harder as you spell correctly (and the more you get wrong, the easier they get). Words are offered randomly in a Community Spelling Bee.

The Tournament Spelling Bee uses a 200-to-800 point system. Your score updates every five words. In a Community Spelling Bee, your score is dependent on your accuracy.

Don't cheat!

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