Hello Wordl

Hello Wordl


The most difficult version of Wordle can be found on Hello Wordl. If you play Wordle on a frequent basis and are familiar with the strategies necessary to determine the secret word, the game may become too simple for your liking. We are putting Hello Wordl in front of you as a means of increasing the difficulty of the assignment. Another version of the word-guessing game based on the classic, but with a more realistic spin on things.


Let's break down the process of making the game into its component parts. You should now be at the load screen. If game slot #2 is free (shown in purple), you can initiate the creation of a new game by selecting that particular slot. (If there is no open slot, you will have to get rid of one of the games you already have in order to create room for the new one. To delete a game, first navigate to one of the available slots and choose it to access the game's home screen. Next, navigate to the settings wheel and select the "delete" button to remove the game from your library. You will need to confirm that you want to delete the game by pressing the A button.

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