


The well-known word game wordle served as the inspiration for the game Cladder, which is a clever adaptation of the original game that is also known as Cladder word wordle. We are going to walk you through the basics of the game, including how to download it and the benefits of participating in Cladder. In order to go through this game, you will need to decipher a word using the provided rules and clues. Continue reading if you are interested in learning how to play the game.

The game is not complicated at all. It requires making educated guesses based on a puzzle that has ten clues. You will be able to post an image of the solution here once you have solved this puzzling mystery.


Players have a total of one minute and sixty seconds to figure out all ten clues. You will begin with a starter word that is either three or four letters long, and you will be given a hint in which you will need to modify one letter from the preceding word in order to get the answer.

You will not be penalized for making guesses that are inaccurate, and if you wait long enough because you are stuck, Cladder will highlight the letter that has to be changed in the answer. However, given that you are operating under a very stringent time constraint, you should try not to stand around waiting for an excessive amount of time.

In order to solve the following clue, you will need to alter one letter from the word DASH. For instance, if the suggestion says "a plate of food," you will need to change the A to an I in order to produce the word DISH. This process will continue until you have completed all 10 clues.

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